Starting to draw William


Starting a new pastel is always thrilling and exciting with a hint of trepidation. It so important to get a good outline. This is not easy for me as I have cognitive and visual difficulties as well as numb, weak and paralysing hands. It is a challenge. I have to wait for the right moment then grasp it and hope I can do it. That takes time to get right.

Once I feel I have captured something of the essence and energy of the subject I begin to add in shapes and colours. This takes a lot of concentration and is always difficult to get the colours right. It seems no matter how many pastels I have, the right shade is still not quite there.
It takes several days for me to fill in a picture. This may turn into weeks or months or never get done with some pictures. I so want to get it right it almost stops me from starting.
But there is such wonder as the picture emerges. I am always sad when it is over.


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